Sunday, December 4, 2011

Secret district: Snake Island!!!!

Well, as usual Zynga dropped a new secret district at the SAME time as they started a new Ice seadon (number 12) AND a new SPAM event.
So, here is a little semi walk through of the secret district, as I know you all are aware of how the spam events and ice events work.

First tip: farm Antivenom while in BRONZE level as it costs too much energy in the other levels, so gather up as many as you can. Even pop an E pack or use a fighters energy refill to gather up as MANY as you can!!

So far I have found two or three loot items that may help you if your loots are crap, I am NOT using them though. Here they are.
Not too horrible, although they are just Uncommon items as far as how they show in your inventory.
The mastery item is fairly nice though, I only have it for Bronze so far, but check the stats out on the Twin Fangs!!!

Finally a decent Loot item that I am using!!!
These didn't start dropping until I was doing Gold mastery and they were dropping from the second job from the top!!!
Forgot the mastery reward, a Lancehead Hydra!!!

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